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Download A Csv File From Gmail Using Python

I tried different python scripts for download a CSV attachment from Gmail. But I could not able to get it.Is this possible. If it is possible which python script should I use? Than

Solution 1:


  • I've put together a Github repo that makes getting CSV data from Gmail as simple as:

    from gmail import *
    service = get_gmail_service()
    # get all attachments from e-mails containing 'test'
    search_query = "test"
    service = get_gmail_service()
    csv_dfs = query_for_csv_attachments(service, search_query)
  • Follow the instructions in the README and feel free to contribute!

THE LONG ANSWER (directly using google-api-python-client and oauth2client)

  • Follow this link and click the button: "ENABLE THE GMAIL API". After the setup you will download a file called credentials.json.
  • Install the needed Python packages:

    pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client oauth2client
  • The following code will allow you to connect to your Gmail account via Python:

    from googleapiclient.discovery import build
    from httplib2 import Http
    from oauth2client import file, client, tools
    GMAIL_CREDENTIALS_PATH = 'credentials.json' # downloaded
    GMAIL_TOKEN_PATH = 'token.json' # this will be created
    store = file.Storage(GMAIL_TOKEN_PATH)
    creds = store.get()
    if not creds or creds.invalid:
        flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(GMAIL_CREDENTIALS_PATH, SCOPES)
        creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store)
    service = build('gmail', 'v1', http=creds.authorize(Http()))
  • With this service you can read your emails and any attachments.

  • First you can query your e-mails with a search string to find the e-mail id's that have the attachments:

    search_query = "ABCD"
    result = service.users().messages().list(userId='me', q=search_query).execute()
    msgs = results['messages']
    msg_ids = [msg['id'] for msg in msgs]
  • For each messageId you can find the associated attachments in the email.

  • This part is a little messy so bear with me. First we obtain a list of "attachment parts" (and attachment filenames). These are components of the email that contain attachments:

    messageId = 'XYZ'
    msg = service.users().messages().get(userId='me', id=messageId).execute()
    parts = msg.get('payload').get('parts')
    all_parts = []
    for p in parts:
        if p.get('parts'):
    att_parts = [p for p in all_parts if p['mimeType']=='text/csv']
    filenames = [p['filename'] for p in att_parts]
  • Now we can obtain the attached CSV from each part:

    messageId = 'XYZ'
    data = part['body'].get('data')
    attachmentId = part['body'].get('attachmentId')
    if not data:
        att = service.users().messages().attachments().get(
                userId='me', id=attachmentId, messageId=messageId).execute()
        data = att['data']
  • Now you have the CSV data but it's in an encoded format, so we change the encoding and convert the result into a Pandas dataframe:

    import base64
    import pandas as pd
    from StringIO import StringIO
    str_csv  = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data.encode('UTF-8'))
    df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(str_csv))
  • That's it! you have a Pandas dataframe with the contents of the CSV attachment. You can work with this dataframe or write it to disk with pd.DataFrame.to_csv if you simply want to download it. You can use the list of filenames obtained earlier if you want to preserve the filename.

Solution 2:

I got it. This is not my own work. I got some codes, combined them and modified to this code. However, finally, it worked.

print 'Proceeding'

import email
import getpass
import imaplib
import os
import sys

userName = ''
passwd = 'yourpassword'
directory = '/full/path/to/the/directory'

detach_dir = '.'
if 'DataFiles' not in os.listdir(detach_dir):

    imapSession = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('')
    typ, accountDetails = imapSession.login(userName, passwd)
    if typ != 'OK':
        print 'Not able to sign in!'
        raise'[Gmail]/All Mail')
    typ, data =, 'ALL')
    if typ != 'OK':
        print 'Error searching Inbox.'

    for msgId in data[0].split():
        typ, messageParts = imapSession.fetch(msgId, '(RFC822)')
        if typ != 'OK':
            print 'Error fetching mail.'

        emailBody = messageParts[0][1]
        mail = email.message_from_string(emailBody)
        for part in mail.walk():
            if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
            if part.get('Content-Disposition') is None:
            fileName = part.get_filename()

            if bool(fileName):
                filePath = os.path.join(detach_dir, 'DataFiles', fileName)
                if not os.path.isfile(filePath) :
                    print fileName
                    fp = open(filePath, 'wb')

    print 'Done'

except :
    print 'Not able to download all attachments.'

Solution 3:

An up to date answer has been provided at Download attachment from mail using Python

import os
from imbox import Imbox # pip install imbox
import traceback

# enable less secure apps on your google account

host = ""
username = "username"
password = 'password'
download_folder = "/path/to/download/folder"

if not os.path.isdir(download_folder):
    os.makedirs(download_folder, exist_ok=True)

mail = Imbox(host, username=username, password=password, ssl=True, ssl_context=None, starttls=False)
messages = mail.messages() # defaults to inbox

for (uid, message) in messages:
    mail.mark_seen(uid) # optional, mark message as read

    for idx, attachment in enumerate(message.attachments):
            att_fn = attachment.get('filename')
            download_path = f"{download_folder}/{att_fn}"
            with open(download_path, "wb") as fp:


Available Message filters: 

# Gets all messages from the inbox
messages = mail.messages()

# Unread messages
messages = mail.messages(unread=True)

# Flagged messages
messages = mail.messages(flagged=True)

# Un-flagged messages
messages = mail.messages(unflagged=True)

# Flagged messages
messages = mail.messages(flagged=True)

# Un-flagged messages
messages = mail.messages(unflagged=True)

# Messages sent FROM
messages = mail.messages(sent_from='')

# Messages sent TO
messages = mail.messages(sent_to='')

# Messages received before specific date
messages = mail.messages(, 7, 31))

# Messages received after specific date
messages = mail.messages(, 7, 30))

# Messages received on a specific date
messages = mail.messages(, 7, 30))

# Messages whose subjects contain a string
messages = mail.messages(subject='Christmas')

# Messages from a specific folder
messages = mail.messages(folder='Social')

Solution 4:

from imap_tools import MailBox

# get all .csv attachments from INBOX and save them to files
with MailBox('').login('acc', 'pwd', 'INBOX') as mailbox:
    for msg in mailbox.fetch():
        for att in msg.attachments:
            if att.filename.lower().endswith('.csv'):
                with open('C:/1/{}'.format(att.filename), 'wb') as f:

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