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.exe Icon Doesn't Change [py2exe]

My icon file myicon.ico in same directory with When I run py2exe, myproject.exe doesn't have icon. I looked for solution but couldn't find. code is: from distuti

Solution 1:

It appears py2exe has a 4-year-old bug on handling icons, but due to its description, I managed to make this workaround:

setup_dict = dict(
    windows = [{'script': "",
                "icon_resources": [(1, "icon.ico")}],


This pretty much builds the project twice. If your project is complex and takes too long to process through py2exe, you can use this to build a dummy py file:

import tempfile
tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    windows = [{
        "icon_resources":[(1, "icon.ico")]}]

Just don't forget to set excludes like your project, otherwise you will get your dist folder cluttered with unwanted files.

Solution 2:

Please try this

from distutils.core import setup

    options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 1}},
    zipfile = None,
    windows = [{
            "icon_resources": [(1, "favicon.ico")],

Solution 3:

I handled my problem like that;

  1. I used the above code which I post in my question.
  2. Then I installed Resourch Hacker program.
  3. I opened myprogram.exe file with Resourch Hacker program.
  4. Then Action > Replace Icon > I choosed the icon which I want.
  5. And its ok!

For Resourch Hacker tutorial CLICK THIS

Solution 4:

I meet the same problem. I have solved it by download a win7 icon from, and the reason should be the icon file that could not work at the very start is not a correct win7 format icon.

this web page tells us a topic "Testing your Windows 7 Icon" to check whether a icon is a really win7 icon.

Solution 5:

I used a different program, came accross pyinstaller from this post and it worked first time.

Installed it:

pip install pyinstaller

Compiled my program:

pyinstaller -i icon.ico

Worked first time! Hope that helps.

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