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How To Use Mod_wsgi For Hosting Multiple Django Projects Under Single Domain?

I have multiple django projects and i want to host them under same domain eg: I have searched for various solutions and found the below g

Solution 1:

Installing mod_wsgi depends on what your host OS is. Check the instructions. If you're using CentOS or RedHat, I'd recommend looking at IUS Community; they provide a repository with yum installable packages for Python 3.6 and mod_wsgi. The version of mod_wsgi you install has to be compiled against the same version of Python you are running into your virtual environment.

Then you need to configure your VirtualHost properly. If you have a host at the root, it has to come last in your definition. Here's an example:

<VirtualHost *:443>
  TimeOut 300
  SSLEngine On


  # Set to the lobal Application Group
  WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
  # Pass Authorizations through to the WSGI app for Django REST Framework Token Auth
  WSGIPassAuthorization On

  WSGIDaemonProcess subsite-develop-https python-home=/web/subsite-develop/venv request-timeout=300 user=apache group=apache
  WSGIProcessGroup subsite-develop-https
  WSGIScriptAlias /subsite /web/subsite-develop/config/ process-group=subsite-develop-https
  <Directory /web/subsite-develop/config>
    Require all granted
  Alias /subsite/static/ /web/subsite-develop/static/
  <Directory /web/subsite-develop/static>
    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
    Require all granted

  WSGIDaemonProcess django-mysite-develop-https python-home=/web/django-mysite-develop/venv request-timeout=300 user=apache group=apache
  WSGIProcessGroup django-mysite-develop-https
  WSGIScriptAlias / /web/django-mysite-develop/config/ process-group=django-mysite-develop-https
  <Directory /web/django-mysite-develop/config>
    Require all granted
  Alias /static/ /web/django-mysite-develop/static/
  <Directory /web/django-mysite-develop/static>
    Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
    Require all granted
  Alias /media/ /var/media/mysite-www/
  <Directory /var/media/mysite-www>
    Require all granted

This example will host one site at /subsite/ and another at the root, /. Notice that the root site comes last. It also means that you won't be able to use the route /subsite/ within the root project, since Apache will have diverted it to via the WSGIScriptAlias definition.

This is also for a site with TLS; you may have to switch the 443 to 80, and remove SSLEngine On if you're not using TLS. The WSGIPassAuthorization is for Django REST Framework tokens, you can probably remove it as well, but I've left it for a more complete example. This is for Apache 2.4+, when they switched to the Require all granted syntax.

IUS Community, if on RedHat/CentOS:

Solution 2:

I'll tell you how we did in our project. We have a single Django project with different routes. For example /players, /tablet. We hosted our project in two Docker containers. We have NGINX as our reverse proxy. NGINX redirects the request to the appropriate container based on the route. NGINX is exposed to the world. But, I'm not sure if it is useful for you or not.

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