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Python: To Check For Prime And Increment

i have exactly 5 days of practise, an hour daily so kindly forgive if my questions are very low level. No prior coding exp My objective of the below code is 1- check if entered num

Solution 1:

The way you have done has a lot of errors not efficient. By making some modification to your code i have made it much simpler. Read the comments to understand:

def primetest (num):       # check if number is a prime
    return(all(num % i for i in range(2, num)))

num = int (input ("enter a number:"))     # main code:

while True: #loop continues until prime number found(True)
    if primetest(num):
        print(num,"is a prime number.")
        break #(stops loop if prime found)
    else: #otherwise repeat by incrementing to the next num until found
        print(num,"is not a prime number.")
        num += 1


enter a number:45
45 is not a prime number.
46 is not a prime number.
47 is a prime number.

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