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Yield ValueError: Too Many Vaues To Unpack (expected 2) In Python

I have an issue trying to implement the regression solution proposed in this thread. Using Keras ImageDataGenerator in a regression model Another stack question had a similar issu

Solution 1:

The error has nothing to do with np.asarray. The function regression_flow_from_directory contains a yield statement. Therefore when you call it you get, not a tuple of yielded values, but a generator object. That's just one object, which you are trying to unpack into a two-element tuple. That's the reason for the error message.

Solution 2:

(x_train,y_train) = regression_flow_from_directory(
        'figs/train',  # this is the target directory

The problem appears to be that your routine regression_flow_from_directory returns more than two values. You have a pair on the left of that assignment, so you must have exactly two values on the right. Try printing your actual return value, rather than the components. For instance:

result = regression_flow_from_directory(...)
print (result)
(x,y) = result

You'll see the problem: you have to iterate through regression_flow_from_directory with those arguments.

Trivial example of the principal:

>>> (x, y) = 1, 2
>>> x
>>> y
>>> (x, y) = 1, 2, 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: too many values to unpack

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