Error Despite Global Keyword Being Used To Access Variable Inside Function
I have created few global variables as shown in my code below. However when I try to use them inside the individual functions, I still get the same error. Please find my code below
Solution 1:
You need to initialize the variables at the body of your script. When you say global variable_name
it means that you will be accessing the variable outside of the function instead of a local variable named variable_name
# Initialize the variables first
sheet_name = None
sheet_df = None
def create_df():
global sheet_name, sheet_df
for s in sheets:
sheet_name = s
sheet_df = pd.read_excel(xls, sheet_name=s)
sheet_df = sheet_df[sheet_df.columns.difference(sheet_df.filter(like='Derived').columns,sort=False)]
print("Sheet " + str(s) + " is created as a dataframe successfully")
def transform_stage_1_df():
global sheet_df
sheet_df = pd.melt(sheet_df, id_vars='subject_ID', var_name='headers', value_name='dates')
sheet_df['header_extracted'] = [x.split("Date")[0] for x in sheet_df['headers']]
sheet_df['day'] = sheet_df['header_extracted'].str.extract('(\d+)', expand=True).astype(int)
sheet_df = sheet_df[sheet_df.groupby(['subject_ID','header_extracted'])['dates'].transform('count').ne(0)].copy()
sheet_df = sheet_df.sort_values(by=['subject_ID','day'])
sheet_df.drop(['header_extracted', 'day'], axis=1, inplace=True)
print("Stage 1 transformation is complete")
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Execution Started")
xls = pd.ExcelFile('C:\\Users\\All.xlsx')
print("File read successfully")
sheets = xls.sheet_names
dataFramesDict = dict()
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