Handle Unwanted Line Breaks With Read_csv In Pandas
I have a problem with data that is exported from SAP. Sometimes you can find a line break in the posting text. What should be in one line, is then in two and this results in a pret
Solution 1:
You can do some pre-processing to get rid of the unwanted breaks. Example below which I tested.
import fileinput
with fileinput.FileInput('input.csv', inplace=True, backup='.orig.bak') as file:
for line in file:
print(line.replace('\n','^'), end='')
with fileinput.FileInput('input.csv', inplace=True, backup='.1.bak') as file:
for line in file:
print(line.replace('^~','~'), end='')
with fileinput.FileInput('input.csv', inplace=True, backup='.2.bak') as file:
for line in file:
print(line.replace('^','\n'), end='')
Solution 2:
The correct way would be to fix the file at creation time. If this is not possible, you could pre-process the file or use a wrapper.
Here is a solution using a byte level wrapper that combines lines until you have the correct number of delimiters. I use a byte level wrapper to make use of the classes of the io module and add as little code of my own as I can: a RawIOBase
reads lines from an underlying byte file object, and combines lines to have the expected number of delimiters (only readinto
and readable
are overriden)
class csv_wrapper(io.RawIOBase):
def __init__(self, base, delim):
self.fd = base # underlying (byte) file object
self.nfields = None
self.delim = ord(delim) # code of the delimiter (passed as a character)
self.numl = 0 # number of line for error processing
self._getline() # load and process the header line
def _nfields(self):
# number of delimiters in current line
return len([c for c in self.line if c == self.delim])
def _getline(self):
while True:
# loads a new line in the internal buffer
self.line = next(self.fd)
self.numl += 1
if self.nfields is None: # store number of delims if not known
self.nfields = self._nfields()
while self.nfields > self._nfields(): # optionaly combine lines
self.line = self.line.rstrip() + next(self.fd)
self.numl += 1
if self.nfields != self._nfields(): # too much here...
print("Too much fields line {}".format(self.numl))
continue # ignore the offending line and proceed
self.index = 0 # reset line pointers
self.linesize = len(self.line)
def readinto(self, b):
if len(b) == 0: return 0
if self.index == self.linesize: # if current buffer is exhausted
try: # read a new one
except StopIteration:
return 0
for i in range(len(b)): # store in passed bytearray
if self.index == self.linesize: break
b[i] = self.line[self.index]
self.index += 1
return i
def readable(self):
return True
You can then change your code to:
data = pd.read_csv(
csv_wrapper(open(path_to_file, 'rb'), '~'),
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