How To Make A List Of Lists In Python When It Has Multiple Separators?
The sample file looks like this (all on one line, wrapped for legibility): ['>1\n', 'TCCGGGGGTATC\n', '>2\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n', '>3\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n', '>4\n', 'TC
Solution 1:
You can exploit the smaller length of the headers (and other unwanted items) as the criterion to filter them out. You start by creating a list containing one list and appending the items that pass the length test to the inner list.
A new sublist is added to the resulting list when the separator '$$$'
is reached, and the length test is again used to add the remaining items to this new sublist:
lst = ['>1\n', 'TCCGGGGGTATC\n', '>2\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n', '>3\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n', '>4\n', 'TCCGGGGGTATC\n', '>5\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n', '>6\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n', '>7\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n', '>8\n', 'TCCGGGGGTATC\n','\n', '$$$\n', '\n', '>B1\n', 'ATCGGGGGTATT\n', '>B2\n', 'TT-GTGGGAATC\n', '>3\n', 'TTCGTGGGAATC\n', '>B4\n', 'TT-GTGGGTATC\n', '>B5\n', 'TTCGTGGGTATT\n', '>B6\n','TTCGGGGGTATC\n', '>B7\n', 'TT-GTGGGTATC\n', '>B8\n', 'TTCGGGGGAATC\n', '>B9\n', 'TTCGGGGGTATC\n','>B10\n', 'TTCGGGGGTATC\n','>B42\n', 'TT-GTGGGTATC\n']
result = [[]]
for x in lst:
if len(x) > 6:
if x.startswith('$$$'):
Solution 2:
Here is a variation of Moses Koledoye's answer which examines the first character for >
and discards any matches as well as any empty elements. I also included replacing "-" with "Z".
lst = ['>1\n', 'TCCGGGGGTATC\n', '>2\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n',
'>3\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n', '>4\n', 'TCCGGGGGTATC\n',
'>5\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n', '>6\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n',
'>7\n', 'TCCGTGGGTATC\n', '>8\n', 'TCCGGGGGTATC\n','\n',
'$$$\n', '\n',
'>B1\n', 'ATCGGGGGTATT\n', '>B2\n', 'TT-GTGGGAATC\n',
'>3\n', 'TTCGTGGGAATC\n', '>B4\n', 'TT-GTGGGTATC\n',
'>B5\n', 'TTCGTGGGTATT\n', '>B6\n','TTCGGGGGTATC\n',
'>B7\n', 'TT-GTGGGTATC\n', '>B8\n', 'TTCGGGGGAATC\n',
'>B9\n', 'TTCGGGGGTATC\n','>B10\n', 'TTCGGGGGTATC\n',
'>B42\n', 'TT-GTGGGTATC\n']
result = [[]]
for x in lst:
if x.startswith('>'):
if x.startswith('$$$'):
x = x.strip()
if x:
result[-1].append(x.replace("-", "Z"))
This avoids assigning any particular significance to the length of any element.
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