How To Update Curve Plot In Animation ( Tkinter) Of Python
from the following code, I could update the line by clicking the 'replot' button. I have to use both set_data() and also plot a new plot, otherwise the old plot is still here. Howe
Solution 1:
Not sure about the programming logic, but I think there maybe at least three issues.
- start_time won't be reset if you don't click 'collect', so it won't replot every 5 seconds.
def clickstart(self):
start_time = time.time()
aniplot_photon = animation.FuncAnimation(f, animate, blit=True,interval=100)
first_replot initially set to 0, after 'collect' clicked and 5 seconds passed, then the value of first_replot will be always 1. It means no more replot in function 'animate'.
canvas.draw at last line of function 'replot', should be canvas.draw().
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