In JSON Output, Force Every Opening Curly Brace To Appear In A New Separate Line
With json.dumps(some_dict,indent=4,sort_keys=True) in my code: I get something like this: { 'a': { 'x':1, 'y':2 }, 'b': { 'z':3, 'w':4
Solution 1:
You can use a regular expression replacement on the result.
better_json = re.sub(r'^((\s*)".*?":)\s*([\[{])', r'\1\n\2\3', json, flags=re.MULTILINE)
The first capture group matches everything up to the :
after the property name, the second capture group matches the whitespace before the property name, and the third capture group captures the {
or [
before the object or array. The whitespace is then copied after the newline, so that the indentation will match properly.
Solution 2:
Building on Barmar's excellent answer, here's a more complete demo showing how you can convert and customize your JSON in Python:
import json
import re
# JSONifies dict and saves it to file
def save(data, filename):
with open(filename, "w") as write_file:
# Converts Python dict to a JSON string. Indents with tabs and puts opening
# braces on their own line.
def jsonify(data):
default_json = json.dumps(data, indent = '\t')
better_json = re.sub(
return better_json
# Sample data for demo
data = {
"name": "Zaphod Beeblebrox",
"species": "Betelgeusian"
filename = 'test.json'
# Demo
print("Here's your pretty JSON:")
print('Saving to file:', filename)
save(data, filename)
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