Python: Parse One String Into Multiple Variables?
I am pretty sure that there is a function for this, but I been searching for a while, so decided to simply ask SO instead. I am writing a Python script that parses and analyzes tex
Solution 1:
This uses the remarkably useful dateutil
library to make date parsing easier - you can pip install python-dateutil
or easy_install python-dateutil
it. Split the data on the :
and the -
to get message and sender, then process the date text to get a datetime
object where you can access its various attributes to get the components required, eg:
from dateutil.parser import parse
s = 'Apr 4, 19:20 - Lee White: Hello world!'
fst, _, msg = s.rpartition(': ')
date, _, name = fst.partition(' - ')
date = parse(date)
name, msg, date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.minute
# ('Lee White', 'Hello world!', 2015, 4, 4, 19, 20)
Solution 2:
Method strptime() may be used:
import time
strn = 'Apr 4, 19:20 - Lee White: Hello world!'
date = time.strptime(strn.split(' - ')[0],'%b %d, %Y, %H:%M')
year = date.tm_year
except ValueError:
date = time.strptime(strn.split(' - ')[0],'%b %d, %H:%M')
year = time.asctime().split()[-1]
sender = strn.split('- ')[1].split(':')[0]
text = strn.split(': ')[1]
date.tm_mon, date.tm_mday, year, date.tm_hour, date.tm_min, sender, text
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