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Tensorflow: Simple 3D Convnet Not Learning

I am trying to create a simple 3D U-net for image segmentation, just to learn how to use the layers. Therefore I do a 3D convolution with stride 2 and then a transpose deconvolutio

Solution 1:

Not sure if you are still looking for help, as I am answering this question half a year later your posted date. :) I've listed my observations and also some suggestions for you to try below. It my primary observation is right... then you probably just need a coffee break / a night of good sleep.

primary observation:

  • tf.reshape( output, [-1, output.get_shape().as_list()[0]] ) seems wrong. If you prefer to flatten the vector, it should be something like tf.reshape(output,[-1,]).

other observations:

  • With such a shallow network, I doubt the network have enough spatial resolution to differentiate tumor voxels from non-tumor voxels. Can you show the keras implementation and the performance compared to a pure tf implementation? I would probably go with 2+ layers, let's . say with 3 layers, with a stride of 2 per layer, and an input image width of 256, you will end with a width of 32 at your deepest encoder layer. (If you have a limited GPU memory, downsample the input image.)
  • if changing the loss computation does not work, as @bremen_matt mentioned, reduce LR to say maybe 1e-5.
  • after the basic architecture tweaks and you "feel" that the network is sort of learning and not stuck, try augmenting the training data, add dropout, batch norm during training, and then maybe fancy up your loss by adding a discriminator.

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