How Change Int To Binary. On Python 2.5
print 077777#how can i get binary i use python2.5
Solution 1:
Make a map of hexadecimal characters to binary sequences, then run the number through (note: only works for non-negative numbers):
def bin(value):
binmap = {'0': '0000', '1': '0001', ..., 'f': '1111'}
return ''.join(binmap[x] for x in ('%x' % (value,))).lstrip('0') or '0'
Solution 2:
Simplest (not fastest!) way to get a binary string for an int in Python 2.5:
def dobin(n):
digs = []
s = ''
if n<0:
s = '-'
n = -n
while True:
digs.append(str(n % 2))
n /= 2
if not n: break
if s: digs.append(s)
return ''.join(digs)
Are you looking for speed, or for clarity?
Solution 3:
Here are some recipes from ActiveState Code you might find helpful: Format integer as binary string
My initial answer only works in Python 2.6 and up as Alex correctly pointed out.
Like this:
print '{0:b}'.format(077777)
Solution 4:
n = 1234
"".join([["0", "1"][(n >> i) & 1] for i in reversed(range(n.__sizeof__()))])
although not sure if sizeof its could also calculate the highest bit set and only print those.
"".join([["0", "1"][(n>>i)&1] for i in range(log(n,2)+1)])
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