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Python - Read From The Serial Port Data Line By Line Into A List When Available

I am aiming to write a code that will be indefinitely listening and reading from to a serial port that will have this output produced every few seconds serial port output: aaaa::ab

Solution 1:

readline will keep reading data until read a terminator(new line). please try: read.


use picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 or putty(serial model) to detect the port and baud-rate is right. I got two different ports in your two questions.if open error port, read() will keep waiting until read a byte. like this:

import serial
# windows 7
ser = serial.Serial()
ser.port = 'COM1' # COM1 has no data, read keep waiting until read one byte.

if you type this code in console, console will no output like this:

>>> import serial
>>> ser = serial.Serial()
>>> ser.port = 'COM1'

we need add timeout for read to fix it.
you can try this:

import serial
import time

z1baudrate = 115200
z1port = '/dev/ttyUSB0'  # set the correct port before run it

z1serial = serial.Serial(port=z1port, baudrate=z1baudrate)
z1serial.timeout = 2  # set read timeout
# print z1serial  # debug serial.
print z1serial.is_open  # True for opened
if z1serial.is_open:
    while True:
        size = z1serial.inWaiting()
        if size:
            data =
            print data
            print 'no data'
    print 'z1serial not open'
# z1serial.close()  # close z1serial if z1serial is open.

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