I Have A Recursive Function To Validate Tree Graph And Need A Return Condition
I have a tree graph. Each node has attribute 'amount'. The rule governing the attribute value of root is this, The root 'amount' value is the sum of the 'amount' attribute of each
Solution 1:
To report the final result, you could combine the validate results of subtrees and current node, so the recursive procedure will look like:
How to collect and record results depends on the situation, there are some options:
- construct the result recursively
- use a global variable to record
- result raise an exception
Example 1
And example for constructing result recursively, here the function return a boolean value and combines result of children by logical and:
def validate(G, node):
if isLeaf(G, node): # This is the base case
return True
# step 1
validate_results_of_children = [validate(G, child) for child in G.successors(node)]
# step 2
is_current_node_valid = check_current_node_sum(G, node)
# step 3
final_result = all(validate_results_of_children) and is_current_node_valid
return final_result
Example 2
Use a global dict to record invalid results and add some extra info about tree level:
def validate(G, node, record_dict, tree_level):
if isLeaf(G, node): # This is the base case
# step 1
for child in G.successors(node):
validate(G, child, record_dict, tree_level + 1)
# step 2
is_current_node_valid = check_current_node_sum(G, node)
# step 3
record_dict.setdefault(tree_level, {})
record_dict[tree_level][node] = is_current_node_valid
record_dict = {}
validate(G, root, record_dict, tree_level=0)
Example 3
Define a custom exception class and raise it when tree is not valid: class TreeNotValidException(Exception): pass
def validate(G, node):
if isLeaf(G, node): # This is the base case
# step 1
for child in G.successors(node):
validate(G, child, tree_level + 1)
# step 2
is_current_node_valid = check_current_node_sum(G, node)
# step 3
if not is_current_node_valid:
raise TreeNotValidException("Invalid sum for node : " + node)
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