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Regex Matching MAC Address

I'm trying to get all valid MAC addresses from this string: 00:1e:68:51:4f:a9 <-> 00:1a:8c:10:ad:30 9 540 8 336 17 876 90.45713000

Solution 1:

  • You have to remove the anchors ^ and $

  • You have to add a-z in your character set.. or make the searches case insensitive with (?i) (i modifier)

Following will work:



Solution 2:

The anchors ^ and $ say to only match strings that are MAC addresses, not the parts within strings that are MAC addresses. Also, your regex uses capital letters (A-F), but the MAC addresses in that string are lowercase. Are you doing a case insensitive search (if using the re module, that would be re.IGNORECASE)? Try turning on case-insensitive search or add "a-f" after the A-F.

On a side note, there is no reason to include the : in brackets ([:]), because that means "match any one of this one character". You can just use : directly.

With case insensitive off you should be able to use this:


With case insensitive on:


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