AttributeError: 'NoneType' Object Has No Attribute '_instantiate_plugins' (Cannot Import Create_engine)
Solution 1:
just use this as url
directly pass these values inside your create_engine("postgresql://username:password@host:port/database")
I was having the same problem now its gone.That worked for me. Only thing important to mention is that I got a different error altogether after creating the new user and database and moving the tables. The error was '
'' ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psycopg2' '''
and the solution was running: pip3 install psycopg2-binary
PS: URL details with you details.
Solution 2:
It looks like os.getenv("DATABASE_URL")
is returning None
. Calling create_engine(None)
give you this error. Is DATABASE_URL
defined in your environment variable ?
Solution 3:
instead of
db = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
type this with your url:
engine = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase")
db = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
Solution 4:
To avoid typing your postgresql connection (including password) in your code define your environment variable in your terminal according this:
source ~/.bash_profile
Or you can use the short form of the command:
. ~/.bash_profile
This executes .bash_profile file in the current shell.
Additional advices concerning reloading .bash_profile can be found in the comments here.
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