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Filtering Grouped Df In Dask

Related to this similar question for Pandas: filtering grouped df in pandas Action To eliminate groups based on an expression applied to a different column than the groupby column.

Solution 1:

I think you can groupby + size first, then map for Series (it is like transform, but not implemented in dask too) and last filter by boolean indexing:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':list('aacaaa'),

print (df)
   A  B  C  D  E  F
0  a  4  7  1  5  a
1  a  5  8  3  3  a
2  c  4  9  5  6  a
3  a  5  4  7  9  b
4  a  5  2  1  2  b
5  a  4  3  0  4  c

a = df.groupby('F')['A'].size()
print (a)
a    3
b    2
c    1
Name: A, dtype: int64

s = df['F'].map(a)
print (s)
0    3
1    3
2    3
3    2
4    2
5    1
Name: F, dtype: int64

df = df[s > 1]
print (df)
   A  B  C  D  E  F
0  a  4  7  1  5  a
1  a  5  8  3  3  a
2  c  4  9  5  6  a
3  a  5  4  7  9  b
4  a  5  2  1  2  b


I think here is not necessary groupby:

df_notall4 = df[df.C != 4].drop_duplicates(subset=['A','D'])['D'].compute()

But if really need it:

def filter_4(x):
        return x[x.C != 4]

df_notall4 = df.groupby('A').apply(filter_4, meta=df).D.unique().compute()
print (df_notall4)
0    1
1    3
2    0
3    5
Name: D, dtype: int64

Solution 2:

Thanks to @jezrael I reviewed my implementation and created the following solution (see my provided example).

df_notall4 = []
for d in list(df[df.C != 4].D.unique().compute()):

df_notall4 = dd.concat(df_notall4, interleave_partitions=True)

Which results in

In [8]:
0    1
1    3
2    5
3    0
Name: D, dtype: object

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