Cryptic Scipy "could Not Convert Integer Scalar" Error
I am constructing a sparse vector using a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix like so: csr_matrix((values, (np.zeros(len(indices)), indices)), shape = (1, max_index)) This works fine for most
Solution 1:
Might it be that max_index > 2**31 ? Try this, just to make sure:
csr_matrix((vals, (np.zeros(10), inds/2)), shape = (1, max_index/2))
Solution 2:
The max index you are giving is less than the maximum index of the rows you are supplying.
sparse.csr_matrix((vals, (np.zeros(10), inds)), shape = (1, np.max(inds)+1))
works fine with me.
Although making a .todense() results in memory error for the large size of the matrix
Solution 3:
Uncommenting the sum_duplicates - function will lead to other errors. But this fix: strange error when creating csr_matrix also solves your problem. You can extend the version_check to newer versions of scipy.
import scipy
import scipy.sparse
if scipy.__version__ in ("0.14.0", "0.14.1", "0.15.1"):
_get_index_dtype = scipy.sparse.sputils.get_index_dtype
def _my_get_index_dtype(*a, **kw):
kw.pop('check_contents', None)
return _get_index_dtype(*a, **kw)
scipy.sparse.compressed.get_index_dtype = _my_get_index_dtype
scipy.sparse.csr.get_index_dtype = _my_get_index_dtype
scipy.sparse.bsr.get_index_dtype = _my_get_index_dtype
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