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How Can I Transfer An Json File Into An Embed On

I tried this: @bot.command() @commands.has_any_role('KING') async def list(ctx): with open(r'F:\DiscordBot\PyCharm\Knastwärter\knastusers.json', 'r')as read_file: use

Solution 1:

I think you are not going to transfer json file itself, or your code may be seen like this:

async def cmd_file(ctx):
    await ctx.send(file=discord.File('./a.json'))

Your problem is how to transfer the information in the json file, so I think you need Embed.add_field to achieve this:

async def cmd_list(ctx):
    with open('./a.json', 'r') as read_file:
        users = json.load(read_file)

    embedlist = discord.Embed(title='Title', description='User List')

    join = lambda x: '\n'.join(x)
    embedlist.add_field(name='User Name', value=join(users.values()))
    embedlist.add_field(name='User ID', value=join(users.keys()))

    await ctx.send(embed=embedlist)

Note that list is a built-in data type, you should avoid naming your function as list. I suggest you put a prefix to your function name and using name argument to bot.command.

The result:


You can adjust to what you like, there are more detail in documentation of, including lots of methods to beautify your embed.

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