PyCuda / Multiprocessing Issue On OS X 10.8
Solution 1:
This is really just an educated guess based on my experienced, but I suspect that the OS X implementation of CUDA (or possibly PyCuda) relies on some APIs that can't be used safely after fork
, while the linux implementation does not.* Since the POSIX implementation of multiprocessing
uses fork
without exec
to create child processes, this would explain why it fails on OS X but not linux. (And on Windows, there is no fork
, just a spawn
equivalent, so this isn't an issue.)
The simplest solution would be to drop multiprocessing
. If CUDA and PyCUDA are thread-safe (I don't know if they are), and your code is not CPU-bound (just GPU-bound), you might be able to just drop in threading.Thread
in place of multiprocessing.Process
and be done with it. Or you could consider one of the other parallel-processing libraries that provide similar APIs to multiprocessing
. (There are a few people who use pp
only because it always exec
However, it's pretty easy to hack up multiprocessing
to exec
a new Python interpreter and then do everything Windows-style instead of POSIX-style. (Getting every case right is difficult, but getting one specific use case right is easy.)
Or, if you look at bug #8713, there's some work being done on making this work right in general. And there are working patches. Those patches are for 3.3, not 2.7, so you'd probably need a bit of massaging, but it shouldn't be very much. So, just cp $MY_PYTHON_LIB/ $MY_PROJECT_DIR/
, patch it, use mymultiprocessing
in place of multiprocessing
, and add the appropriate call to pick spawn/fork+exec/whatever the mode is called in the latest patch before you do anything else.
* The OP says he suspected the same thing, so I probably don't need to explain this to him, but for future readers: It's not about a difference between Darwin and other Unixes, but about the fact that Apple ships a lot of non-Unix-y mid-level libraries like CoreFoundation.framework, Accelerate.framework, etc. that use unsafe-after-fork functionality (or just assert that they're not being used after a fork because Apple doesn't want to put in the rigorous testing that would be warranted before they could say "as of 10.X, Foo.framework is safe after fork"). Also, if you compare the way OS X and linux deal with graphics and other hardware, there's a lot more mid-level in-each-process-userspace going on in OS X.
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