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Python Efficiently Split Currency Sign And Number In One String

I have a string like '$200,000,000' or 'Yan300,000,000' I want to split the currency and number, and output a tuple ('$', '200000000'), without ',' in the number string. Currently

Solution 1:

>>> import re
>>> string = 'YAN300,000,000'
>>> match ='([\D]+)([\d,]+)', string)
>>> output = (,',',''))
>>> output
('YAN', '300000000')

(Thanks to zhangyangyu for pointing out I hadn't fully answered the question)

Solution 2:

>>> filter(str.isdigit, s)
>>> filter(lambda x: not x.isdigit() and x != ',', s)
>>> (filter(lambda x: not x.isdigit() and x != ',' ,s), filter(str.isdigit, s))
('$', '200000000')

Solution 3:

import locale
import re
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')

def split_currency(text):
    _, currency, num = re.split('^(\D+)', text, 1)
    num = locale.atoi(num)
    return currency, num
# ('$', 200000000)
# ('Yan', 300000000)

split_currency will raise a ValueError if text does not start with a currency symbol (or anything that is not a digit). You could use try...except to handle that case differently if you wish.

Solution 4:

>>> import itertools
>>> myStr = '$200,000,000'
>>> ''.join(itertools.dropwhile(lambda c: not c.isdigit(), myStr))
>>> myStr = 'Yan300,000,000'
>>> ''.join(itertools.dropwhile(lambda c: not c.isdigit(), myStr))

Similarly, you could use itertools.takewhile with the same lambda function to get the currency sign. However, this might be simpler:

idx = itertools.dropwhile(lambda c: not c.isdigit()).next()
sign, val = myStr[:idx], myStr[idx:]

Solution 5:

It wont be faster I bet ... but I think its more readable

>>> cur_string = "asd1,23456,123,1233"
>>> cur_sym ="([^0-9, ]*)[0-9]","asd123").groups()[0]
>>> cur = re.sub("[^0-9]","",cur_string)
>>> print cur_sym,int(cur)
asd 1234561231233

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