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Python - "from Utils Import Label_map_util" ImportError: Cannot Import Name 'label_map_util'

when I am running this code i get an import errror import numpy as np import os import six.moves.urllib as urllib import sys import tarfile import tensorflow as tf import zipfile

Solution 1:

CD to object_detection directory

import( os )
os.chdir( 'D:\\projects\\data core\\helmet detection\\models\\research\\object_detection' )

and change these lines

from utils import label_map_util

from utils import visualization_utils as vis_util

to the following lines

from object_detection.utils import label_map_util

from object_detection.utils import visualization_utils as vis_util

It will work.

Source :

Solution 2:

This works for me. However, in order to make it work I had to do the following:

  1. Create a virtual environment with the following: i) OpenCV 4.0.1 ii) Python 3.6 iii) tensorflow v1.12

  2. Install and/or update the various dependencies individually: conda install scipy pip install --upgrade sklearn pip install --upgrade pandas pip install --upgrade pandas-datareader pip install --upgrade matplotlib pip install --upgrade pillow pip install --upgrade requests pip install --upgrade h5py pip install --upgrade pyyaml pip install --upgrade psutil pip install --upgrade tensorflow==1.12.0 pip install -- upgrade lxml pip install opencv-contrib-python

  3. Compile all the protocol buffer definition files: i)cd to the models/research folder ii)protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=.

4.Export the correct PYTHONPATH variable path: i)export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:pwd:pwd/slim ii)echo $PYTHONPATH

  1. Go to the folder where the file resides (object_dectection) and run it in python i) cd object_detection/ ii) python

Solution 3:

pip install tensorflow-object-detection-api

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