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Tuning MLPRegressor Hyper Parameters

I have been trying to tune hyper parameters of a MLP model to solve a regression problem but I always get a convergence warning. This is my code def mlp_model(X, Y): estimator=MLP

Solution 1:

Well, there are three options that you can try, one being obvious that you increase the max_iter from 5000 to a higher number since your model is not converging within 5000 epochs, secondly, try using batch_size, since you've got 1384 training examples, you can use a batch size of 16,32 or 64, this can help in converging your model within 5000 iterations, and lastly, you can always increasing learning_rate_init to a slightly higher value, cause it seems like learning rate is low as your model hasn't converged even after 5000 iterations. Hope this helps

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