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Using Newly Installed Modules Without Restarting An Interactive Session

During a long interactive session (using ipython) I sometimes need to use a module which I don't already have installed. After installing the new module, that module becomes import

Solution 1:

There's two ways of manually importing things in Python (depending on your python version).

# Python2
import os
handle = __import__('scriptname') #without .py

Or you can do:

# Python3.3+
import importlib.machinery
loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader("namespace", '/path/') #including .py
handle = loader.load_module("namespace")

This works a bit differently in previous version of Python3, Don't have the time or access to install older versions now but I do remember hitting a few issues when trying to import and especially reload modules in earlier versions.

To reload these modules in case they change (just to elaborate this answer):

# Python2

# Python3
import imp

Solution 2:

Here's a slightly simpler answer for top-level modules in python3:

# import it to use it
import modulename

# reimport it with importlib
import importlib

Worked for me on python 3.9. I think it only reimports the top-level module, so you'd want the SourceFileLoader solution for child modules.

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