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Way To Convert Dbf To Csv In Python?

I have a folder with a bunch of dbf files I would like to convert to csv. I have tried using a code to just change the extension from .dbf to .csv, and these files open fine when

Solution 1:

Here is my solution that I've been using for years. I have a solution for Python 2.7 and one for Python 3.5 (probably also 3.6).

Python 2.7:

import csv
from dbfpy import dbf

def dbf_to_csv(out_table):#Input a dbf, output a csv
    csv_fn = out_table[:-4]+ ".csv" #Set the table as .csv format
    with open(csv_fn,'wb') as csvfile: #Create a csv file and write contents from dbf
        in_db = dbf.Dbf(out_table)
        out_csv = csv.writer(csvfile)
        names = []
        for field in in_db.header.fields: #Write headers
        for rec in in_db: #Write records
    return csv_fn

Python 3.5:

import csv
from dbfread import DBF

def dbf_to_csv(dbf_table_pth):#Input a dbf, output a csv, same name, same path, except extension
    csv_fn = dbf_table_pth[:-4]+ ".csv" #Set the csv file name
    table = DBF(dbf_table_pth)# table variable is a DBF object
    with open(csv_fn, 'w', newline = '') as f:# create a csv file, fill it with dbf content
        writer = csv.writer(f)
        writer.writerow(table.field_names)# write the column name
        for record in table:# write the rows
    return csv_fn# return the csv name

You can get dbfpy and dbfread from pip install.

Solution 2:

Using my dbf library you could do something like:

import sys
import dbf
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:

which will create a .csv file of the same name as each dbf file. If you put that code into a script named you could then call it as

python dbfname dbf2name dbf3name ...

Solution 3:

Looking online, there's a few options:

With simpledbf:

dbf = Dbf5('fake_file_name.dbf')
df = dbf.to_dataframe()

Tweaked from the gist:

import pysal as ps

def dbf2DF(dbfile, upper=True):
    "Read dbf file and return pandas DataFrame"
    with as db:  # I suspect just using open will work too
        df = pd.DataFrame({col: db.by_col(col) for col in db.header})
        if upper == True: 
           df.columns = map(str.upper, db.header) 
        return df

Solution 4:


It's possible to read a dbf file, line by line and without conversion into csv, with dbfread (simply install with pip install dbfread):

>>> from dbfread import DBF
>>> for row in DBF('southamerica_adm0.dbf'):
...     print row
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'ARGENTINA')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'BOLIVIA')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'BRASIL')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'CHILE')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'COLOMBIA')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'ECUADOR')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'GUYANA')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'GUYANE')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'PARAGUAY')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'PERU')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'SURINAME')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'U.K.')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'URUGUAY')])
OrderedDict([(u'COUNTRY', u'VENEZUELA')])

My updated references:

official project site:

official documentation:



shp and dbf with geopandas:

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