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When Does Setuptools Install Editable Link To /.../my_module/build/lib/ Andwhen Does It Link To /.../my_module?

I noticed that when I do an editable install (pip install --user -e .), sometimes, setuptools make a build directory and egg-links to /.../my_module/build/lib. While sometimes (if

Solution 1:

The setuptools build_py command seems to be automatically called when there is a build step specified int the, typical example is use_2to3=True. Then, the "editable" is not "respected" in a way, since you need to rebuild each time.

Solution 2:

as far as I understand you, in order to use a third-party module without installing it, just in the same place where your program is located, create a new directory, put the __ init file and copy the third-party module there. And then you can in your code address it like this

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