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Python File Handling: Seaching For Specific Numbers

I'm creating a document in which I need to record license plates of vehicles (it's a practice exercise, nothing illegal) and calculate the speed they travel at and display all the

Solution 1:

if (speed>60)
    #Do what you want to 

Solution 2:

In this part you store speed in your variable and then in second line you overwrite it with string.

speed = (5/timetaken)
speed = ("Vehicle speed in miles per hour:")

As Mohit Bhasi mentioned checking the speed is not that difficult, just make sure you know what units you are working with, either meters per second or kilometers per second.

Reading/writing file is fairly simple in Python and documentation offers few examples how to do it. Or check out some other sources as well.

Regarding your task, I would do something like this:

  1. Open file
  2. Read each line with data
  3. Get the plates string, and speed value which you should parse to number
  4. Check for speed limit
  5. Print out
  6. Close file

PS: No one is going to write it for you. That would take all fun out of it. :-)

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