Plotting A Straight Line In Cartopy, Robinson Projection
Solution 1:
The transform argument is tied to the data you are plotting. You are specifying the start and end points of the line in lat/lon, and therefore the only sensible transforms are Geodetic and PlateCarree.
When you set transform=ccrs.Robinson()
Cartopy is assuming the coordinates you provided are already in the Robinson projection, which they are not. The Robinson projection extents in native coordinates are very large comapared to geographic coordinates (order ~1e7 perhaps) so both the points you selected are very near the centre of the projection, which is why you just see a dot.
If you want the line to be straight when drawn on the Robinson projection you will have to plot it in projection coordinates. This is straightforward using Cartopy's transforms system as in the modified example below. For more guidance on how Cartopy's transform/projection keywords work see
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Robinson())
ad_lat, ad_lon = -34.93, 138.60
liv_lat, liv_lon = 53.41, -2.99
# New bit: transform the given lat/lon points into the Robinson projection
geodetic = ccrs.Geodetic()
robinson = ccrs.Robinson()
ad_lon_t, ad_lat_t = robinson.transform_point(ad_lon, ad_lat, geodetic)
liv_lon_t, liv_lat_t = robinson.transform_point(liv_lon, liv_lat, geodetic)
plt.plot([ad_lon_t, liv_lon_t], [ad_lat_t, liv_lat_t],
color='blue', linewidth=1, marker='o', markersize=3,
# Be explicit about which transform you want:
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