Cannot Import My Own Module In Scrapy Crawler
I'm writing a crawler using Scrapy. I've built a crawler and it works very well. Now I want to create my own modules, but I always receive this error: File 'D:\Projects\bitbucket\
Solution 1:
You can do several things:
from crawl1.spiders.moduletest import mythings
As suggested by @elRuLL
from .moduletest import mythings
This generally a bad and brittle solution but possible.
You can package it as package and do.
from spiders.moduletest import *
__all__ = [<Put your classes, methods, etc here>]
import moduletest
Solution 2:
you need to include the full module path:
from crawl1.spiders.moduletest import mythings
Solution 3:
you have to include the name of the folder as the module name
import crawl1.spiders.moduletest
Solution 4:
Found, after some hours:
from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
import crawl1.spiders.moduletest
class SamplecrawlerSpider(CrawlSpider):
import crawl1.spiders.moduletest
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