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Delete Chars In Python

does anybody know how to delete all characters behind a specific character?? like this: into

Solution 1:

if you're asking about an abstract string and not url you could go with:

>>> astring =""
>>> astring.rpartition('/')[0]

Solution 2:

For urls, using urlparse:

>>> import urlparse
>>> parts = urlparse.urlsplit('')
>>> parts
('http', '', '/path/to/resource', 'query=spam', 'anchor')
>>> urlparse.urlunsplit((parts[0], parts[1], '', '', ''))

For arbitrary strings, using re:

>>> import re
>>> re.split(r'\b/\b', '', 1)
['', 'path/to/resource']

Solution 3:


Should do it. str[a:b] returns a substring in python. And rfind is used to find the index of a character sequence, starting at the end of the string.

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