Efficiently Get Indices Of Histogram Bins In Python
Solution 1:
I found that a particular sparse matrix constructor can achieve the desired result very efficiently. It's a bit obscure but we can abuse it for this purpose. The function below can be used in nearly the same way as scipy.stats.binned_statistic but can be orders of magnitude faster
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
def binned_statistic(x, values, func, nbins, range):
'''The usage is nearly the same as scipy.stats.binned_statistic'''
N = len(values)
r0, r1 = range
digitized = (float(nbins)/(r1 - r0)*(x - r0)).astype(int)
S = csr_matrix((values, [digitized, np.arange(N)]), shape=(nbins, N))
return [func(group) for group in np.split(S.data, S.indptr[1:-1])]
I avoided np.digitize
because it doesn't use the fact that all bins are equal width and hence is slow, but the method I used instead may not handle all edge cases perfectly.
Solution 2:
I assume that the binning, done in the example with digitize
, cannot be changed. This is one way to go, where you do the sorting once and for all.
vals = np.random.random(1e4)
nbins = 100
bins = np.linspace(0, 1, nbins+1)
ind = np.digitize(vals, bins)
new_order = argsort(ind)
ind = ind[new_order]
ordered_vals = vals[new_order]
# slower way of calculating first_hit (first version of this post)
# _,first_hit = unique(ind,return_index=True)
# faster way:
first_hit = searchsorted(ind,arange(1,nbins-1))
#example of using the data:
for j in range(nbins-1):
#I am using a plotting function for your f, to show that they cluster
The figure shows that the bins are actually clusters as expected:
Solution 3:
You can halve the computation time by sorting the array first, then use np.searchsorted
vals = np.random.random(1e8)
nbins = 100
bins = np.linspace(0, 1, nbins+1)
ind = np.digitize(vals, bins)
results = [func(vals[np.searchsorted(ind,j,side='left'):
for j in range(1,nbins)]
Using 1e8
as my test case, I go from 34 seconds of computation to about 17.
Solution 4:
One efficient solution is using the numpy_indexed package (disclaimer: I am its author):
import numpy_indexed as npi
Solution 5:
Pandas has a very fast grouping code (I think it's written in C), so if you don't mind loading the library you could do that :
import pandas as pd
resultsp = pdata.groupby('ind').sum().values
or more generally :
resultsp = pdata.groupby('ind').agg(func).values
Although the latter is slower for standard aggregation functions (like sum, mean, etc)
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