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How To Call Asynchronous Function In Django?

The following doesn't execute foo and gives RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'foo' was never awaited # async def foo(data): # process data ... @api_view(['POST']) def endpoi

Solution 1:

Django is an synchronous language but it supports Async behavior. Sharing the code snippet which may help.

import asyncio
    from channels.db import database_sync_to_async

        response = another_sync_function()

        # Creating another thread to execute function
        loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        async_result = loop.run_until_complete(remove_tags(response, tag))

    # Async function asyncdefremove_tags(response, tag_id):
        // do something here

        # calling another function only for executing database queriesawait tag_query(response, tag_id)

   @database_sync_to_asyncdeftag_query(response, tag_id):

This way i called async function in synchronous function.

Reference for database sync to async decorator

Solution 2:

Found a way to do it.

Create another file in the same directory as

# bar.pydeffoo(data):
    // process data

from multiprocessing import Process
from .bar import foo

def endpoint(request):
    data ='data')

    p = Process(target=foo, args=(data,))

    return Response({})

Solution 3:

You can't await foo in this context. Seeing that Django is mainly a synchronous library, it doesn't interact well with asynchronous code. The best advice I can give it to try avoid using an asynchronous function here, or perhaps use another method of concurrency (ie threading or multiprocessing).

Note: there is a great answer given about Django's synchronous nature that can be found here: Django is synchronous or asynchronous?.

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