How To Declare A Dictionary With Inline Function
Solution 1:
The answer seems to be that there is no way to declare a function inline a dictionary definition in python. Thanks to everyone who took the time to contribute.
Solution 2:
Do you really need a dictionary, or just getitem
If the latter, then use a class:
>>>classDispatch(object):...deffuncA(self, *args):...print('funcA%r' % (args,))...deffuncB(self, *args):...print('funcB%r' % (args,))...def__getitem__(self, name):...returngetattr(self, name)...>>>d = Dispatch()>>>>>>d['funcA'](1, 2, 3)
funcA(1, 2, 3)
Solution 3:
You could use a decorator:
func_dict = {}
func_dict[func.__name__] = func
return func
The func_dict
will end up mapping using the entire name of the function:
>>> func_dict
{'a_func': <function a_func at 0x000001F6117BC950>, 'b_func': <function b_func at 0x000001F6117BC8C8>}
You can modify the key used by register
as desired. The trick is that we use the __name__
attribute of the function to get the appropriate string.
Solution 4:
consider using lambdas, but note that lambdas must be functions and cannot contain statements(see
d = { 'func': lambda x: x + 1 }
# call d['func'](2) will return 3
Also, note that in python2, print
is not a function. So you have to do either:
from __future__ import print_function
d = {
'function': print
or use sys.stdout.write
d = {
'function': sys.stdout.write
Solution 5:
Some functions can be easily 'inlined' anonymously with lambda expressions, e.g.:
>>>d={'function': lambda x : x**2}>>>d['function'](5)
But for anything semi-complex (or using statements) you probably just should define them beforehand.
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