How To Generate A Range Of Strings From Aa... To Zz
I am trying to create a Python program where it accepts a string and displays permutations based on that. For example. If the user enters '[AAA] Grim' it should generate words sta
Solution 1:
input = '[AAA] Grim'
n = len(input.split(' ')[0]) - 2
s = input[n+2:]
a = [''.join(x)+s for x in itertools.product(string.ascii_lowercase, repeat=n)]
Solution 2:
If I understood what you meant the following will do:
import re
import string
import itertools
user_in = input("Enter string: ")
p_len = user_in.index(']') - user_in.index('[')
text = user_in[user_in.index(']')+1:]
print('\n'.join([ ''.join(p) + text for p in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(string.ascii_lowercase,r=p_len-1)]))
Will produce (an extract):
Enter string: [AA] Grim
aa Grim
ab Grim
ac Grim
ad Grim
ae Grim
Solution 3:
>>> import string
>>> ltrs = string.lowercase
>>> [''.join([a,b]) for a in ltrs for b in ltrs]
The code is from here:
I found it and it works great!
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