Getting Data Inside A Google Chrome Indexeddb From Bash Or Python
I have LevelDB (IndexedDB) file from my Google Chrome, the file is located in this folder: /home//.config/google-chrome/Default/IndexedDB/https__0.indexeddb
Solution 1:
You have to open the directory with this API, not a file. Also it worth noting that using plyvel
library is probably better:
import plyvel
db = plyvel.DB('/home/<user>/.config/google-chrome/Default/IndexedDB/https_<site>_0.indexeddb.leveldb')
for key, value in db:
print("{0} : {1}".format(key, value))
Solution 2:
You can use this:
db = leveldb.LevelDB('./Here must be a folder containing all of the levelDB database files')
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