Mark File For Removal From Python?
In one of my scripts, I need to delete a file that could be in use at the time. I know that I can't remove the file that is in use until it isn't anymore, but I also know that I ca
Solution 1:
...and another version which doesn't depend on pywin32 binaries.
ctypes.windll.kernel32.MoveFileExA("/path/to/lockedfile.ext", None,
Solution 2:
import win32file
import win32api
win32file.MoveFileEx("/path/to/lockedfile.ext", None ,
Solution 3:
Use the MoveFileEx
If dwFlags specifies MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT and lpNewFileName is NULL, MoveFileEx registers the lpExistingFileName file to be deleted when the system restarts. If lpExistingFileName refers to a directory, the system removes the directory at restart only if the directory is empty.
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