Pytest - How To Parameterize Tests With Multiple Scenarios?
Solution 1:
One common practice is to set and read from environment variables to determine which platform you are running from.
For example, in the environment you can have a variable isProduction=1
. Then in your code, you can check by os.environ['isProduction'] == 1
You can even save the private ids in the environment for reasons such as safety. For example in the environment, you can have the following variables on nonproduction
And another set on production machine
in the code you do
import os
private_ids = [os.environ['id1'], os.environ['id2'], os.environ['id3']]
So you'll get the configs on each machine. Just make sure in your workflow/testflow the environment variables are correctly sourced.
Solution 2:
You can parametrize the tests via metafunc if you need to execute additional logic on parametrization. Example:
import os
import pytest
production_private_ids = [...]
nonproduction_private_ids = [...]
# if the test has `subnet` in args, parametrize it nowif'subnet'in metafunc.fixturenames:
# replace with your environment checkif os.environ.get('NAME', None) == 'production':
ids = production_private_ids
ids = nonproduction_private_ids
metafunc.parametrize('subnet', ids)
deftest_sharing_subnets_exist(subnet, accountid):
team_subnet = get_team_subnets(accountid)
assert subnet in team_subnet
Now running pytest ...
will check only non-production IDs, while NAME="production" pytest ...
will check only production IDs.
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