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Python Search Corresponding Data In Multiple Excel And Paste To A New Excel Worksheet

i have some excel files in a folder, there's already a worksheet call 'service' in each file Notes_111.xlsx Notes_222.xlsx Notes_888.xlsx Workflow : I want to open each .xlsx file

Solution 1:

Use pandas its much easier to manipulate, I believe it uses openpyxl under the hood anyway.

import glob
import pandas as pd
import os

for f in glob.glob('Notes_*.xlsx'):
    dda = re.findall('\d+', f) #matches digits in the filename

    df_each = pd.read_excel(f) # have to save the data first, coz ExcelWriter will clear up and create a new excel, so, you paste the saved data back to new sheet
    df_1_dda = df_master[df_master['code'] == int(dda[0])] #select only those records with code in the filename

    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(f)
    df_each.to_excel(writer, 'service', index = False) #  paste the saved data back to new sheet
    df_1_dda.to_excel(writer, 'code_city', index = False)

Hope that helps!

using python 3.6.4 Anaconda - 32-bit

Solution 2:

from openpyxl import load_workbook

for f in glob.glob("Notes_*.xlsx"):
    code = re.findall('\d+', f) #matches digits in the filename
    df_1_dda = df_master[df_master['code'] == int(code[0])] #select only those records with code from the master dataframe#create new worksheet using openpyxl
    wb = load_workbook(f)
    ws = wb.create_sheet('code_city')

    # reload the file and paste data I need
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(f)
    df_1_dda.to_excel(writer, 'code_city')

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