Dereferencing The Whole Data Of C_void_p Not Only The First Byte
i have a Question about Pythons ctypes and calling C functions bothering me for a couple days now. I'm working with Python 3.5 and ctypes to wrap a C .dll. I've got a C Function a
Solution 1:
This is one way of doing things. Also, ctypes's official doc: [Python 3.5]: ctypes - A foreign function library for Python.
#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#if defined(_WIN32)# define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)#else# define DLL_EXPORT#endif#define C_TAG "From C"#define PRINT_MSG_0() printf("%s - [%s] (%d) - [%s]\n", C_TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)#define PRINT_ERR_1S(ARG0) printf("%s: %s\n", C_TAG, ARG0)
DLL_EXPORT inttest(void **pptr, size_t count) {
if (!pptr) {
PRINT_ERR_1S("NULL pointer received");
if (*pptr) {
PRINT_ERR_1S("Non NULL inner pointer received");
unsignedchar *buf = (unsignedchar*)malloc(count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
buf[i] = (i + 1) % 0x100;
*pptr = buf;
DLL_EXPORT voiddealloc(void **pptr) {
if ((pptr) && (*pptr)) {
*pptr = NULL;
import sys
import math
from ctypes import c_ubyte, c_int, c_size_t, c_void_p, \
VoidPtrPtr = POINTER(c_void_p)
dll_dll = CDLL("./dll.dll")
test_func = dll_dll.test
test_func.argtypes = [VoidPtrPtr, c_size_t]
test_func.restype = c_int
dealloc_func = dll_dll.dealloc
dealloc_func.argtypes = [c_void_p]
FORMAT_STRING_PAT = " idx: {{:{:d}d}} - value: {{:3d}}"def_get_print_indexes(array_size, values_count):
if array_size <= 0or values_count <= 1or values_count > array_size:
raise ValueError("Invalid args")
yield0if array_size > 1:
if values_count > 2:
interval_size = array_size / (values_count - 1)
for idx inrange(1, values_count - 1):
yieldint(round(idx * interval_size))
yield array_size - 1def_print_array_values(array, array_size, values_count=DISPLAY_VALUES_COUNT):
index_width = math.ceil(math.log10(array_size))
format_string = FORMAT_STRING_PAT.format(index_width)
for idx in _get_print_indexes(array_size, values_count):
print(format_string.format(idx, array.contents.contents[idx]))
sizes = [
1920 * 1080 * 3,
for size in sizes:
UByteArr = c_ubyte * size
UByteArrPtr = POINTER(UByteArr)
UByteArrPtrPtr = POINTER(UByteArrPtr)
print("\nSize: {:d}".format(size))
data = UByteArrPtrPtr(UByteArrPtr())
print("data: {:}, data.contents: {:}".format(data, data.contents))
#print(addressof(data), addressof(data.contents))
ptr = cast(data, VoidPtrPtr)
res = test_func(ptr, size)
if res < 0:
print("{:s} returned {:d}. Moving on...\n".format(test_func.__name__, res))
continueprint("data: {:}, data.contents: {:}".format(data, data.contents))
_print_array_values(data, size)
print("data: {:}, data.contents: {:}".format(data, data.contents))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Python {:s} on {:s}\n".format(sys.version, sys.platform))
- Since the array allocation place (C or Python) wasn't mentioned, I chose the former option (otherwise, the double pointer (
void **
) wouldn't make much sense). This adds some complexity to the code (among other things:dealloc
- to avoid memory leaks). Using the latter option would "generate" less code, and no need forvoid**
(I'm still wondering why it's needed anyway) void*
is a generic type with not very much info. That's why in C, in order to populate the individual bytes, I had to cast it tounsigned char *
. Same thing applies to Python. The way I expressedvoid **
in Python is viaPOINTER(c_void_p)
- A lot of the code is for printing purposes. That includes:
, which is only used to select 5 (DISPLAY_VALUES_COUNT
) equidistant (from index perspective) elements in an array_print_array_values
- prints the values
(py35x64_test) e:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q051981858>"c:\Install\x86\Microsoft\Visual Studio Community\2015\vc\vcvarsall.bat" x64
(py35x64_test) e:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q051981858>dir /b
(py35x64_test) e:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q051981858>cl /nologo dll.c /DDLL /link /DLL /OUT:dll.dll
Creating library dll.libandobject dll.exp
(py35x64_test) e:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q051981858>dir /b
(py35x64_test) e:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q051981858>"e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py35x64_test\Scripts\python.exe"
Python 3.5.4 (v3.5.4:3f56838, Aug 82017, 02:17:05) [MSC v.190064 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Size:10data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_10 object at 0x000001F8189FBBC8>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_10 object at 0x000001F8189FBC48>
From C - [dll.c] (16) - [test]
data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_10 object at 0x000001F8189FBBC8>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_10 object at 0x000001F8189FBCC8>
idx: 0 - value: 1
idx: 2 - value: 3
idx: 5 - value: 6
idx: 8 - value: 9
idx: 9 - value: 10From C - [dll.c] (35) - [dealloc]
data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_10 object at 0x000001F8189FBBC8>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_10 object at 0x000001F8189FBD48>
Size:100data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_100 object at 0x000001F8189FBCC8>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_100 object at 0x000001F8189FBDC8>
From C - [dll.c] (16) - [test]
data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_100 object at 0x000001F8189FBCC8>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_100 object at 0x000001F8189FBC48>
idx: 0 - value: 1
idx: 25 - value: 26
idx: 50 - value: 51
idx: 75 - value: 76
idx: 99 - value: 100From C - [dll.c] (35) - [dealloc]
data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_100 object at 0x000001F8189FBCC8>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_100 object at 0x000001F8189FBE48>
Size:500data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_500 object at 0x000001F8189FBC48>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_500 object at 0x000001F8189FBEC8>
From C - [dll.c] (16) - [test]
data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_500 object at 0x000001F8189FBC48>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_500 object at 0x000001F8189FBDC8>
idx: 0 - value: 1
idx: 125 - value: 126
idx: 250 - value: 251
idx: 375 - value: 120
idx: 499 - value: 244From C - [dll.c] (35) - [dealloc]
data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_500 object at 0x000001F8189FBC48>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_500 object at 0x000001F8189FBF48>
Size:6220800data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_6220800 object at 0x000001F8189FBDC8>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_6220800 object at 0x000001F818A62048>
From C - [dll.c] (16) - [test]
data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_6220800 object at 0x000001F8189FBDC8>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_6220800 object at 0x000001F8189FBEC8>
idx: 0 - value: 1
idx: 1555200 - value: 1
idx: 3110400 - value: 1
idx: 4665600 - value: 1
idx: 6220799 - value: 0From C - [dll.c] (35) - [dealloc]
data: <__main__.LP_LP_c_ubyte_Array_6220800 object at 0x000001F8189FBDC8>, data.contents: <__main__.LP_c_ubyte_Array_6220800 object at 0x000001F8189FBEC8>
- Cleaned the code a bit (some renames, ...)
- Separated printing (added
) - Modified the ctypes pointers to be more meaningful. What stands out and can be confusing, is the relationship between a pointer and an array (when wrapped by another (outer) pointer):
- In C they are somewhat equivalent: both reference the address of the 1 (array) element. Easily cast one to another
- In Python the array must be wrapped by
(like a pass by value type) in order to be equivalent to the pointer (and cast from / to it)
- Successfully ran the same code on Lnx
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