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How To Calculate Sum From One Column With Some Coditions In Python Pandas?

I have one pandas Dataframe which looks like below: df = pd.DataFrame({'sport_name': ['football','football','football','football','football','cricket','cricket','cricket','cricket'

Solution 1:


df['person_count'] = df['person_count'].astype(int)

#reshape foronecolumnfrom city and person_symbol columns 
print (df1)
   sport_name person_name  person_count        level_3     val
0    football      ramesh            10           city  mumbai
1    football      ramesh            10  person_symbol     ram
2    football      ramesh            14           city  mumbai
3    football      ramesh            14  person_symbol     mum
4    football      ramesh            25           city   delhi
5    football      ramesh            25  person_symbol     mum
6    football      ramesh            20           city   delhi
7    football      ramesh            20  person_symbol     ram
8    football       mohit            11           city    pune
9    football       mohit            11  person_symbol     moh
10    cricket      mahesh            34           city   surat
11    cricket      mahesh            34  person_symbol     mah
12    cricket      mahesh            23           city   surat
13    cricket      mahesh            23  person_symbol     sur
14    cricket      mahesh            43           city   panji
15    cricket      mahesh            43  person_symbol     sur
16    cricket      mahesh            34           city   panji
17    cricket      mahesh            34  person_symbol     mah

#concatenate columns
a = df1['sport_name'] + '.' + df1['person_name'] + '.TOTAL.' + df1['val'] + '_count'#groupby by Series a and aggregate sum
df2 = df1['person_count'].groupby(a.rename('derived_symbol'), sort=False)
print (df2)
                       derived_symbol  person_count
0  football.ramesh.TOTAL.mumbai_count            24
1     football.ramesh.TOTAL.ram_count            30
2     football.ramesh.TOTAL.mum_count            39
3   football.ramesh.TOTAL.delhi_count            45
4     football.mohit.TOTAL.pune_count            11
5      football.mohit.TOTAL.moh_count            11
6    cricket.mahesh.TOTAL.surat_count            57
7      cricket.mahesh.TOTAL.mah_count            68
8      cricket.mahesh.TOTAL.sur_count            66
9    cricket.mahesh.TOTAL.panji_count            77

Solution 2:

Here's one way

First change the person_count type to numeric

In [2126]: df.person_count = df.person_count.astype(int)

Reshape your data to get city and person_symbol under one level, and then groupby to get the Total count.

In [2127]: dff = (df.melt(id_vars=['sport_name', 'person_name', 'person_count'])
                    .groupby(['sport_name', 'person_name', 'value']).person_count.sum())

In [2128]: dff
sport_name  person_name  value
cricket     mahesh       mah       68
                         panji     77
                         sur       66
                         surat     57
football    mohit        moh       11
                         pune      11
            ramesh       delhi     45
                         mum       39
                         mumbai    24
                         ram       30
Name: person_count, dtype: int32

format the index levels with custom format.

In [2129]:dff.index= ['{0}.{1}.TOTAL.{2}_count'.format(*idx)foridxindff.index]

In [2130]:dffOut[2130]:cricket.mahesh.TOTAL.mah_count68cricket.mahesh.TOTAL.panji_count77cricket.mahesh.TOTAL.sur_count66cricket.mahesh.TOTAL.surat_count57football.mohit.TOTAL.moh_count11football.mohit.TOTAL.pune_count11football.ramesh.TOTAL.delhi_count45football.ramesh.TOTAL.mum_count39football.ramesh.TOTAL.mumbai_count24football.ramesh.TOTAL.ram_count30Name:person_count,dtype:int32

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