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Psycopg2.programmingerror: Relation "matches" Does Not Exist

I'm trying to do a final 'tournament' project in intro to relational databases course by udacity. Here's a link to the project's description:

Solution 1:

"You probably already solved this on your own like I had to, however if you are still searching or for anyone else who may come across this thread. I am also taking this course and came across this beginner problem.

This was user error. I was connecting to vagrant and the tournament database in the wrong way.

After logging into vagrant I was in the right folder accessing the right database but in the wrong method.


Once in vagrant I went to psql as user vagrant and imported the file.

\i tournament.sql

Then I connected to the database.

\c tournament

Then I was exiting psql to run the file and getting the relation does not exist error.

I needed to do one more step.


Once connected and logged into the database tournament. I needed to import the tournament.sql file again.

That created the relations within the actual database and not just vagrant or wherever I was creating them before.

so from Vagrant after the command Vagrant ssh # run these commands separately cd /vagrant/tournament/


\i tournament.sql

\c tournament

\i tournament

#last check to verify your relations were created
\d (table or view)

That is what did it for me. The rest of the project was easy. I hope this helps anyone searching for the answer on here." My q&a

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