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Python Flask.ext.mysql Is Deprecated?

When I run from flask.ext.mysql import MySQL I get the warning Importing flask.ext.mysql is deprecated, use flask_mysql instead. So I installed flask_mysql using pip install flask

Solution 1:

flask.ext. is a deprecated pattern which was used prevalently in older extensions and tutorials. The warning is telling you to replace it with the direct import, which it guesses to be flask_mysql. However, Flask-MySQL is using an even more outdated pattern, flaskext.. There is nothing you can do about that besides convincing the maintainer to release a new version that fixes it. from flaskext.mysql import MySQL should work and avoid the warning, although preferably the package would be updated to use flask_mysql instead.

Solution 2:

flask.ext.X is the old form to import a Flask extension, it is deprecated since Flask v0.10. The new way is to use flask_X. That's why you got the first warning.

But apparently, Flask-MySQL does not update it's name form and use the flaskext as the package name (chedck it on GitHub). That's why you got the second warning.

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