Unable To Pass Location Of Input And Output To An Extenal Command Using User-interface In Python
I am completely new to python. I am trying to pass the location of Input and output using User interface as shown in this particular discussion [1]:How to give the location of 'In
Solution 1:
Your cmd
is not correct.
Concatenate string with values
cmd = "gpt F:\saikiran\myGraph.xml -Psource=" + input_file + " - Ptarget=" + intermediate_file
or use string formatting
cmd = "gpt F:\saikiran\myGraph.xml -Psource={} - Ptarget={}".format(input_file, intermediate_file)
With Python 3.6 or 3.7 you can use f-string
cmd = f"gpt F:\saikiran\myGraph.xml -Psource={input_file} - Ptarget={intermediate_file}"
Current cmd
"gpt F:\saikiran\myGraph.xml -Psource=input_file - Ptarget=intermediate_file"
will create file with name literally
and it can make problem in gdal.Open()
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