Accessing Celery Worker Instance Inside The Task
I want to use jupyter kernels in side the celery worker. There will be one Jupyter Kernel for each Celery Worker. To achieve it I am overriding the default Worker class of the cele
Solution 1:
Adding that worker instance information to the request object solved my problem. to do that I overrode the _process_task
method of the worker class.
def_process_task(self, req):
req.kwargs['kernel_client'] = self.kernel_client
print("printing from _process_task {}".format(req.kwargs))
except TaskRevokedError:
self._quick_release() # Issue 877except AttributeError:
passexcept Exception as exc:
logger.critical('Internal error: %r\n%s',exc, traceback.format_exc(), exc_info=True)
Here is my task where I access the kernel_client
@app.task(bind=True)defpythontask(self,code, kernel_client=None):
mid = kernel_client.execute(code)
This thing works only when I start workers in solo mode otherwise not it throws some pickling error. Anyways using solo workers is my requirement so this solution works for me
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