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How To Find Rectangle Shape In This Image Using Python?

enter image description herecan you help me to segment rectangular objects in this image, tried otsu but it is not working because background and forground have same values. is the

Solution 1:

You can look at rows and columns of pixels. For example, the top border row of your rectangle contains many more black pixels than the row above. So I would suggest you to use vertical (through rows) and horizontal (through columns) passes to find the borders. Here's my script to do it:

from PIL import Image

FACTOR = 1.5 # a threashold

img ="path/to/your/image")
pix = img.load()
size = img.size

# vertical pass
sum_color_arr = []
for row_num in xrange(size[1]):
    sum_color = 0 # calculating of brightness for each row separately
    for i in xrange(size[0]):
        sum_color += pix[i, row_num]

for row_num in xrange(size[1] - 1):
    if sum_color_arr[row_num] > FACTOR * sum_color_arr[row_num + 1]:
        print "Top border: y =", (row_num + 1)
    if sum_color_arr[row_num + 1] > FACTOR * sum_color_arr[row_num]:
        print "Bottom border: y =", row_num

# horizontal pass
sum_color_arr = []
for col_num in xrange(size[0]):
    sum_color = 0 # calculating of brightness for each column separately
    for i in xrange(size[1]):
        sum_color += pix[col_num, i]

for col_num in xrange(size[0] - 1):
    if sum_color_arr[col_num] > FACTOR * sum_color_arr[col_num + 1]:
        print "Left border: x =", (col_num + 1)
    if sum_color_arr[col_num + 1] > FACTOR * sum_color_arr[col_num]:
        print "Right border: x =", col_num

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