Remove Period[.] And Comma[,] From String If These Does Not Occur Between Numbers
I want to remove comma and period from a text only when these does not occur between numbers. So, following text should return 'This shirt, is very nice. It costs DKK ,.1.500,00,.'
Solution 1:
You could try this:
>>>s = "This shirt, is very nice. It costs DKK ,.1.500,00,.">>>re.sub('(?<=\D)[.,]|[.,](?=\D)', '', s)
'This shirt is very nice It costs DKK 1.500,00'
Using a positive lookbehind assertion to check the symbols are preceded by a non digit character, and an alternation on the same character set using a positive lookahead assertion to check it is followed by a non digit character.
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