Why Doesn't My Python Code See The Imported Discord.py Module?
Solution 1:
Your ide might have been using a different python interpreter than the one you download discord.py to. You will need to change the sdk settings. Follow this tutorial: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2017.1/configuring-python-interpreter-for-a-project.html
To configure Python interpreter for a Python module, follow these steps
Open the Project Structure dialog (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S).
In the Project Structure dialog box, click Modules node under the Project Settings.
In the Module pane of the selected Python module, click the Dependencies tab.
Click Module SDK drop-down list, and select the desired Python interpreter from the list of the previously configured available Python interpreters.
If the interpreter you need is missing in the list of available interpreters, click New next to the Module SDK field, choose Python SDK from the pop-up menu, choose interpreter type (local, remote, etc.) and then select the desired executable.
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