Comparing Contents Of 2 Lists Of Lists
Here's the task I am having trouble with: Given 2 lists of lists, filter them down to only items that have nothing in common. E. g. if inner lists are identical, filter them out. I
Solution 1:
I'm not sure that I understand you, but I'm gonna give it a shot.
# first, get all elements from each list as a flat set.
import itertools
set1 = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(list1))
set2 = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(list2))
#Now, figure out which elements they have in common
common_elements = set1 & set2
#Now eliminate inner lists which have elements in the common set
new_list1 = [lst for lst in list1 if not any(x in common_elements for x in lst)]
new_list2 = [lst for lst in list2 if not any(x in common_elements for x in lst)]
Note that I can do this because the sublists hold hashable objects.
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