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Django Display Table In Templates

I am using Django 2.0.1, and I have the following code: class Category(models.Model): category_name = models.CharField(max_length=50) class CategoryItems(models.Mod

Solution 1:

You don't need your category_items_query variable, just category_query:

{% for category in category_query %}
    <b>{{ category.category_name }}</b><br />
    {% for item in category.categoriesfk.all %}
        {{ item.item_name }}<br />
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Your related_name of categoriesfk is weird, it'd make more sense to be something like items.

Solution 2:

What you need is two for loops with an if to check if the second loop should belong to the first. Try this:

{% for category in categories_query %}
  {% for category_item in category_items_query %}
    {% if category_item.category_name == category %}
      {# do something with category_item #}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

I believe it would be more clear if you named the ForeignKey in CategoryItems to just "category", instead of "category_name", since this field will have the category itself, not just it's name. Your "if" would then be more readable and make more sense:

{% if category_item.category == category %}

Hope it helps.

Solution 3:

A few things,

  1. Since your model name is already Category, your field names should be like name instead of category_name.
  2. Model names must be singular, so it should beCategoryItem instead of CategoryItems
  3. When you do a model_name.objects.all(), you do not get a query but a Queryset, make your variable names such that they describe what they do. Currently, categories_query is wrong. You could instead use category_qs.

Now, coming to your question, you require two for loops. One to loop through the categories and then one to loop through items in a particular category.

Something like,

for category in category_qs:for item in category:# Do something with item

You have the basic idea here, now you can convert it to real working code. Good luck!

Solution 4:

Grouping data in template is not best idea as template should be logic free, also good idea would be to use database capabilities and use select_related to query out related set

category_data = Category.objects.select_related('item').all()

afterwards you could do following in template

{% for category in category_data %}
  {# print category #}
  {% for item in category.items %}
      {# print item #}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Solution 5:

Django has a built-in regroup template tag for this functionality.

{% regroup category_items_query by category_name as categoryname_list %}

{% for category in categoryname_list %}
    <strong>{{ category.grouper }}</strong><br>
    {% for item in category.list %}
        {{ item.item_name }}: {{ item.item_description }}<br>
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

You have to order your CategoryItems for this functionality to work.

category_items_query = CategoriesItems.objects.all().order_by('category_name')

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